About Therminer
Our vision
Therminer is capable of recovering the heat emitted by data processing equipment and giving it a second life by generating the heat you need.
Our solution
Therminer boilers are designed to generate the necessary heat, thinking about the growth of your company and the environment.
Data processing
Did you know that data center consumption already exceeds the average electricity consumption of more than 90 million homes ?
Therminer boilers are designed to reduce this consumption, while recycling the energy consumed by data processing.
Experts in energy savings
Cutting-edge technology adapted to your needs
Our goal is to apply common sense and efficiency as a real solution to increasing energy costs, through the heat generated by data processing.
Conoce al equipo Therminer
¿Quiénes somos?
Seguro que te suena eso de dos ingenieros montando un negocio en un garaje, ¿verdad? Pues precisamente así nació Therminer. Dos ingenieros y amigos, decidieron que para crecer hay que innovar, y la innovación pasa por buscar formas disruptivas que parezcan incluso de ciencia ficción.
Meet the Therminer team
Who are we ?
Surely that sounds familiar to you about two engineers setting up a business in a garage, right? Well, that’s precisely how Therminer was born. Two engineers and friends decided that to grow, you have to innovate, and innovation involves looking for disruptive forms that even sometimes sound like science fiction.